Focus on Omnichannel In 2017, we put an emphasis on rolling out features that would bring the The rise of new communication channels and ubiquitous access to rest of our products in-line with the scope and scalability of our Support information has made customer journeys increasingly complex. Customers product, including launching Enterprise versions of Chat and Talk. All have individual channel preferences, and they want to be recognized of that foundational work last year paved the way for our 2018 focus on across any and all channels they choose. As more power and control shifts omnichannel, and our product organization is now well positioned for a from companies to consumers, organizations are recognizing the critical unified omnichannel offering. importance of their customer experiences and are searching for solutions to Throughout 2018, we will continue to implement new features for our core improve their customer interactions. products, including an Enterprise version of Guide in the first half of this year. We believe that we are well positioned to help companies deliver the This and other ongoing improvements to all our products ensure that we are omnichannel experiences their customers expect today. The Zendesk always delivering the best capabilities to our customers through a robust product family is purpose-built to unify disparate channels and departments omnichannel solution that can scale to meet the needs of even our largest and to simplify the process of providing great customer service, whether that customers. is through self-service, a phone call, live chat, messaging, or a simple email. Zendesk Shareholder Letter Q4 2017 - 7