GETTING STARTED WITH ZENDESK TALK 39 There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Real-time queue activity this. Your company’s profile and goals are unique, and things change. New products The Zendesk Talk real-time dashboards and services are launched, companies make it easy to monitor your queue and grow, local businesses become global agent activity and make in-the-moment businesses, and revenue goals are up- decisions to relieve bottlenecks, reduce dated. It’s up to you to decide what to wait times, and ensure your customers are measure and actions that can be taken to getting the help they need. improve, but Zendesk is always here to help with powerful tools for measuring and Customers waiting too long or agents improving your call center in the moment overburdened with long queues could with real-time dashboards and over time indicate several problems: with call data in Insights. • Too few phone agents Remember: No metric lives in a vacuum. • Non-optimal IVR design (not Tweaking one will impact others. For properly deflecting or routing calls) example, spending more time with customers to walk them through issues • An unexpected spike in volume can improve first call resolution and/ caused by an outage, promotion or or customer satisfaction, but—without other unscheduled event additional staffing—may lead to longer average wait time or abandonment.

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